
Privacy Settings and Data Protection

At Muvr, we take your privacy and data security seriously. We’re committed to ensuring that your personal information is safeguarded and that you have control over how your data is used. This section will guide you through the privacy settings and data protection measures you can manage within your Muvr account.

Accessing Privacy Settings:

Log In to Your Account: Open the Muvr app and log in using your credentials.

Navigate to Privacy Settings: Look for the “Privacy” or “Privacy & Security” section within the app. This is where you can customize your privacy preferences.

Manage Settings: Once you’re in the privacy settings, you’ll have the ability to adjust various privacy options according to your preferences.

Your Privacy Options:

Profile Visibility: Choose who can view your profile information. You can set it to “Public” (visible to all Muvr users), “Friends Only,” or “Private” (visible to only you).

Location Sharing: Decide who can see your real-time location during an ongoing move. You can choose to share your location with “Muvr Team Only,” “Friends,” or “No One.”

Contact Information: Control who can contact you through the Muvr app. You can set it to “Everyone,” “Friends Only,” or “No One.”

Notifications: Manage the types of notifications you receive from Muvr. Customize notifications for order updates, promotions, and more.

Data Sharing: Choose whether you want to share certain data with third-party services, such as social media platforms.

Data Protection Measures:

Secure Data Encryption: Your personal and payment information is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security to your account by enabling 2FA. This requires a verification code in addition to your password when logging in.

Access Control: Only authorized Muvr team members and relevant service providers have access to your information necessary for completing your order.

Regular Security Audits: We conduct routine security audits to ensure that our systems and your data remain protected.

Your Rights and Choices:

Data Access and Deletion: You can request access to the personal data we hold about you and request its deletion.

Data Rectification: If you believe your data is inaccurate, you have the right to request corrections.

Marketing Preferences: You can manage your communication preferences, including opting out of marketing emails.

Tips for Enhanced Data Protection:

Strong Passwords: Use a unique and strong password for your Muvr account.

Public Wi-Fi: Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks when accessing sensitive information.

Log Out: Always log out of your account when using shared devices.

App Updates: Keep your Muvr app updated to benefit from the latest security enhancements.

Data Privacy and Muvr’s Commitment:

Transparency: We’re committed to being transparent about how we collect, use, and protect your data.

Consent: We obtain your consent before collecting and processing your personal data.

Data Minimization: We only collect and retain data necessary for providing our services.

Security: We implement advanced security measures to safeguard your data.

Your privacy is important to us. By utilizing our privacy settings and understanding the data protection measures we have in place, you can confidently enjoy the benefits of Muvr while ensuring your personal information remains secure. If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.